Content Settings


Site Settings Node

The Site Settings node sits beneath the Home node in the Umbraco node tree and is intended to expose various settings to editors such as the site title, favicon, navigation links, and footer content:

The Site Settings node in Umbraco.

โš ๏ธ The siteSettings content type can be extended with additional properties as needed, but should never be used for any sensitive configuration like credentials or API keys!

Web Page Settings

Web Page nodes in Umbraco include a Settings tab that allows editors to configure whether to display tables of contents or subpage navigation sections on the page:

A screenshot of the Docs node in Umbraco with the Settings tab selected. Shown are the Table of Contents and Subpage Navigation configuration properties.

โš ๏ธ Enabling these settings will slightly increase the build cost of the page due to the extra processing required in templates and transforms.